Gerry Pearson has played his Blues Harmonica over 50 years. Previous bands Sky, Blues Emporium, Big Daddy and the Blueshounds The Blues Juniors and now in the Okanagan with the Blueshounds Band.
Gerry Pearson
Ian Lefty Stewart
Ian Lefty Stewart hails from across the Pond where he immigrated when he was 5 and has been playing music since he was 12. Loves to be creative and plays many genres and styles. Plays Guitar, Steel pedal, Bass, Keyboards drums and vocals. Learned early that there was more than just 3 chords in music and discovered 12 Tones were more musical. Has lived in pretty well every province in Canada and played with many bands and musicians. Northern Lights Blues Band and Swamp Band out of Toronto and Peterborough are just a few of the many bands. Loving to be creative using the instruments he plays to get to the the place he loves to be.
Rob Robertson is the latest addition to the Blueshounds. Rob Robertson, singer, songwriter, multi-instumentalist.Rob spent years on in the Nashville scene perfecting his playing before coming back to Canada
He has played for numerous bands, including the Blackbirds and Rob N’ Walker.
Rob Robertson
Cliffe Fraser
Cliffe Fraser Drumming and playing in bands has been a great experience for me. I have kept the meter with a number of local bands Nameless In Naramata, The Blackbirds and The Rob ‘N Walker Band.